Welcome to Scoliosis Gym 💪
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The Art & The Science
innovative personalized treatment
We can straighten scoliosis by 10% to 50% in 1 hour, guide spinal development through adolescence, & prevent scoliosis from increasing wildly all by utilizing a series of corrective exercises customized to each Individual’s curve characteristic combined with the 9 minutes of essential back exercises per day. Uniquely, this corrective exercise program is designed in detail by utilizing a modified bellman ford algorithm for calculating the degrees of exercises needed to anatomically straighten scoliosis. This refined mathematical approach to designing corrective scoliosis exercises enables us to verify with confidence that our exercises are 100% accurate which was a major unsolved problem in the past. Techniques from the past were not verifying the accuracy of treatment like We do. Because We are 100% accurate We don't make mistakes and are the safest treatment and because We can instantly find target areas that other programs can't find We are the most effective treatment available for scoliosis. We have the most evidence in Scoliosis Care History showing improvements utilizing a purely exercise based technique. Each case responds differently due to the myriad of underlying causes. We can help People with scoliosis of all ages, all cobb angles and all fitness levels. Consult with Your Orthopedic Doctor to get a comprehensive diagnosis, get a picture of Your x-ray or mri and then schedule Your appointment at Scoliosis Gym. We are seeing good results with 89% of our patients with some patients experiencing remarkable improvements to cobb angles. With 1 to 4 hours of accurate straightening treatments per year We can reduce Your scoliosis cobb angles by about 10% to 50% and maintain Your results with the 9 minutes per day of essential back exercises. This will help prevent scoliosis from getting worse, improve Your back health, improve You back strength, help prevent arthritis, help make Your back feel better, help prevent back pain and help prevent muscular atrophy of wearing a brace.
To schedule a 1 hour appointment of straightening exercises with a Scoliosis Specialist email or fill out the contact form..
The 9 minutes of essential back exercises are available on to do on Your own.
Both programs can help independently and they work well together.
Reccomended Equipment
Take a normal serving size with water, coffee or
with a healthy breakfast before and after
getting an x-ray to reduce any negative side
effect of the radiation and for general health
benefits! Some research suggest the Mesima Mushroom
in this mix helps treat cancer and radiation exposure.
Plus You get many other medicinal mushrooms in this mix.